This timer was developed to meet the needs of sports glider flyers, where accurate and dependable control of flight time is essential to prevent long downwind recovery times or fly-aways. The timer drives a D/T servo to terminate the flight, the DT periods being set by a simple push button / LED interface. The weight of the avionics is used as ballast, so there is no overall weight gain; this timer has proved especially popular for 36 inch Hi Start gliders and operates from a 1s (single cell) Li-Po battery.

Programing Features:

  • d/t duration:-adjustable 10 seconds to 5 minutes, set in 10 second increments
  • push button immediately cancels the flight at any time
  • duration settings are saved in memory – so a single button push serves to repeat a flight  


Length 30mm | Width 14mm | Height 9mm | Weight 2.2g

Product Features:

The timer is supplied with a comprehensive instruction manual and users guide.


INSTRUCTION MANUAL - E-ZEE Servo Operated D/T for Free Flight Gliders SDG1

This item is exclusive to in the UK and in the USA